WELCOME to the Bluegrass Chapter of the American Theatre Organ Society!

Please write a check in the amount of $15.00 to “BG-ATOS” and indicate “New Membership” in the memo line. In the envelope please also include your phone number, email address and mailing address.

Mail to:  Bluegrass Chapter ATOS
                  P.O. Box 910141
                  Lexington, KY 40591-0141 


Renew your Membership

There are two ways to renew your Membership:

1. Write a check in the amount of $15.00 to “BG-ATOS” and indicate “Membership Renewal” in the memo line.

Mail to:  Bluegrass Chapter ATOS
                  P.O. Box 910141
                  Lexington, KY 40591-014 

2. Make a $15.00 payment online through PayPal.

     You do NOT need to have a PayPal account; you can use your credit card or debit card if you prefer.
     Simply click on the link below, enter the amount of $15 and select how you want to pay.
     When you get to the page with the “Add special instructions” box, please write “Membership Renewal” in the Comments line.
     (NOTE: you will see the word “Donate” within the process on the PayPal website; this is OK, we will know it’s for your Membership!)

You will be linked to a secure PayPal page.